Northeast Dairy Compact Commission Monthly Meeting
Friday, May 11, 2001 - 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Marriott Hotel, Newport, Rhode Island


I.          Public Participation

II.            Introduction of Guests

III.            Consideration of Minutes of the April 11, 2001 meeting

IV.            Financial Statement:  Month Ending March 31, 2001

VI.            Reports:

                        A.            Chair's Report
                        B.            Executive Director's Report
                        C.            Committee on Administration Report
D.                 Committee on Regulations & Rulemaking
E.                  Committee on Finance

VII.      New Business

                        Recommendations of Committee on Administration
                        Recommendations of Committee on Finance

VIII.            Informational Review and Updates


                A.     The Compact and Consumer Protection Division of Rhode Island
                                 Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse (invited)
                                    Commissioner Jametta Alston

                B.     Presentation on Open Space and Environmental Concerns

Jan H. Reitsma, Rhode Island Department of Environmental 
Management Director (invited)
Ken Ayars, Rhode Island Division of Agriculture Chief

               C.    The Compact Price Regulation and the Rhode Island WIC Program   
Vice Chair Petrone, Rhode Island WIC Program

                D.    Presentation by Rhode Island Food Security Coalition
Donna LaVallee (invited)

                E.  Rhode Island Dairy Industry and the Dairy Compact
                                    Louis Escobar, dairy farmer


2001 Recognition Awards

Representative Stephen J. Anderson
         Senator Kevin A. Breene

IX.   Staff Reports

Congressional Impact Report
     Dan Smith, Executive Director
     Deb Brighton, Consultant

Price Regulation Review
     Dan Smith, Executive Director

Supply Management Program Report
     Tom Lehner, Staff Counsel
        Carmen Ross, Regulations Director


X.  The Compact and its Impact on the Wholesale and Retail Markets

Dr. Ronald Cotterill, Director, Food Marketing Policy Center,
The University of Connecticut


XI.            Presentations by Rhode Island Congressional Delegation Designees

                                    Ian Lange from the office of Honorable Lincoln Chaffee
                        Katherine Merolla from the office of Honorable Jim Langevin
                        Sarah Dennigan from the office of the Honorable Jack Reed

XII.            Announcements: Opportunity for individual state comments

XIII.            Adjournment


A second opportunity for public participation will occur immediately after a break for lunch.  Members of the Public will need to make their own accommodations for lunch.

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