Typical New England Dairy Farm 1999
                           Compact Producer Payment Impact on Net Farm Earnings
Per Cow Farm
Avg. Herd Size 94 94
Price of Milk (w/ producer payment) $15.70
Lbs. Sold 16,792 1,578,448
Milk Income $2,636 $247,816
Plus Cattle Income $120 $11,285
Plus Crop Income $63 $5,894
Plus Other Income $224 $21,062
Value of Farm Production $3,043 $258,058
Adj. Cash Operating Expenses $2,472 $232,333
Depreciation $283.00 $26,579
Adj. Farm Operating Expenses $2,754 $258,912
Net Farm Earnings (w/producer payment) $289 $27,146
Plus Net Nonfarm Income $88 $8,253
Minus Family Living and Taxes $338 $31,806
Net Earnings (w/producer payment) $38 $3,593
Per Cwt. $0.23
Impact of Producer Payment
Net Farm Earnings With Producer Payment $289 $27,146
Compact Producer Payment $82 $0.49 $7,734
Net Farm Earnings Without Producer Payment $207 $19,412
Net Earnings With Producer Payment $38 $3,593
Net Earnings Without Producer Payment ($44) ($4,142)
Source: Special analysis developed for Northeast Farm Credit Association by James
Putnam II, First Pioneer Farm Credit. Data combined from US Census of Agriculture,
1999, NASS/USDA; Milk Production, Disposition and Income Summary, 1999,
NASS/USDA; and the Northeast Dairy Farm Summary, 1999, Northeast Farm Credit