Wednesday, June 7, 2000, 10:30 a.m. - Centennial Inn, Armenia White Room - 96 Pleasant Street - Concord, NH
I. Public Participation
II. Introduction of Guests
III. Consideration and Approval of Minutes of the May 3, 2000 Meeting
IV. Consideration of Communications
V. Financial and Budget Report: Months ending March and April 2000
VI. Reports:
A. Chair’s Report
B. Executive Director’s Report
C. Committee on Finance Report
D. Committee on Administration
E. Audit Committee
F. Bylaws Committee
G. Committee on Regulations & Rulemaking
VII. Old Business
A. Final Decision on HEP 97-006 (in re Petition of Organic Cow, LLC) -Executive Session
B. Bylaws Committee Recommendations
C. Committee on Administration Recommendation of the Personnel Manual
VIII. New Business
A. Committee on Finance Recommendations
1. Approve Federal Milk Market Administrator’s Invoice – March 2000 pool, audits completed during April
2. Accept March and April 2000 Financial Statements and file for audit purposes
3. Consideration to repay the State of Maine $50,000
B. Committee on Administration Recommendations
1. Approve Wiley, Rein & Fielding Invoice - legal services rendered
2. July meeting date
IX. Announcements: Opportunity for individual state comments
X. Executive Session, if necessary
XI. Adjournment
A second opportunity for Public
participation will occur immediately after a break for lunch. Members of the Public will need to make
their own accommodations for lunch.
The Committee on Administration is scheduled to meet immediately after adjournment.