Wednesday, December 1, 1999--The Centennial Inn--Armenia White Room--96 Pleasant Street

Concord, New Hampshire--10:00 a.m.

  1. Public Participation
  2. Introduction of Guests
  3. Consideration and Approval of Minutes of the November 10, 1999 meeting
  4. Communications
  5. Financial: Treasurer's Report for month ending October 1999
  6. Reports:
    1. Chair's Report
    2. Executive Director's Report
    3. Committee on Finance Report
    4. Committee on Administration
    5. Audit Committee
    6. F. Nominating Committee

    7. Bylaws Committee
    8. Committee on Regulations & Rulemaking

H. Ad Hoc Personnel Committee

  1. Old Business
    1. Report by Reauthorization Tracking Committee
    2. Deliberative Meeting on Proposed Supply Management Program--postponed from 09/01/99, 10/06/99, and 11/10/99 meetings
  1. New Business
    1. Election of Officers
    2. Committee on Regulations and Rulemaking Recommendations
    3. Audit Committee Recommendations
    4. Next Meeting Date
  1. Announcements: Opportunity for individual state comments
  2. Adjournment

Public Participation after lunch break if applicable



There will be a lunch break at 12:30 p.m. for Commissioners and Staff. Members of the Public will need to make their own arrangements for lunch.



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