Typical New England Dairy Farm, 1997 Attachment 3 |
Compact Payment
Impact on Net Farm Earnings* |
Per Cow |
Farm |
Avg. Herd Size |
88 |
88 |
Price of Milk |
$ 14.60 |
$ 14.60 |
Compact price |
$0.47 |
Lbs. Sold per Cow |
16,458 |
1,448,304 |
Milk Income per Cow |
$ 2,403 |
211,452 |
Cattle Income |
118 |
10,384 |
Crop Income |
57 |
5,016 |
Other Income |
124 |
10,912 |
Value of Farm Production |
$ 2,702 |
237,764 |
Adj. Cash Operating
Expenses |
$ 2,277 |
200,376 |
Depreciation |
223 |
19,624 |
Adj. Farm Operating
Expenses |
$ 2,500 |
220,000 |
Net Farm Earnings |
$ 202 |
$ 17,764 |
+ Net Nonfarm Income |
78 |
6,864 |
-Family Living & Taxes |
286 |
25,168 |
Net Earnings |
-6 |
-540 |
Per Cwt. |
-0.04 |
Payment Impact on Net Farm Earnings* |
Net Farm Earnings
w/Compact |
$ 202 |
$ 17,764 |
Compact Producer Price
Payment |
$78 |
Net Farm Earnings w/o
Compact |
$ 124 |
$10,957 |
Source: Special analysis developed for Northeast Farm Credit
Associations by James |
Putnam II, First Pioneer Farm Credit. Data combined from US
Census of Agriculture, |
1997, NASS/USDA; Milk
Production, Disposition and Income Summary, 1997, |
NASS/USDA; and the Northeast Dairy Farm Summary, 1997, Northeast Farm Credit |
Associations. |
*Analysis added
by Compact Commission |