Wednesday. November 1. 2000. 10:00 a. m. - Centennial Inn, Armenia White Room, 96 Pleasant Street - Concord, NH

I.          Public Participation
II.         Introduction of Guests
III.       Consideration and Approval of Minutes of the July 12 and August 2, 2000 Meeting
IV.       Consideration of Communications
V.        Financial and Budget Report: Month ending September 2000
VI.       Reports:

A. Chair's Report
B. Executive Director's Report
C. Committee on Finance Report
D. Committee on Administration
E. Bylaws Committee
F. Committee on Regulations & Rulemaking

VII.      New Business

Committee on Finance Recommendations
Committee on Administration Recommendations
            Approve Federal Milk Market Administrator's Invoices
            Approve Attorney Invoices

            Committee on Regulations & Rulemaking Recommendations

VIII.     Announcements: Opportunity for individual state comments

1X.      Executive Session, if necessary

X.        Adjournment

A second opportunity for Public participation will occur immediately after a break for launch. Members of the Public will need to make their own accommodations for lunch.

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